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How to Rebuild Confidence and Practice Good Mental Health

    African American Smiling

    by Kimberly Hayes

    Recent events have taken a toll on many people’s mental health, leaving some feeling isolated, anxious, or depressed. Know you’re not alone if you’re struggling to regain your confidence and get back on track. Today, Project 24 Seven shares a few tips for rebuilding your self-confidence and practicing good mental health.

    1. Get Moving

    Exercise releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects. A fitness routine doesn’t need to be strenuous to be effective. Even a brisk walk can help improve your mood and outlook on life. When you’re fit, you’ll feel healthy and confident. A few minutes outside is incredible for recharging. A trip out is also a great way to get some fresh air and vitamin D, which can boost your mood.

    Find a park or nature reserve to explore if you live in a city — consult a walk score map to locate the best spots. You don’t have to do this alone – think about adopting a pet like a dog that you can take on walks. This helps to hold you accountable, and before you know it you’ll have developed a new healthy habit. Before bringing your new furry exercise buddy home, be sure to go online and read up on trusted product reviews from veterinarians to get items like a leash, collar, harness and toys.

    2. Eat Well

    Eating nutritious foods helps your body function at its best. Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet. When you’re well-nourished, you feel more energetic and positive. Whole foods contain essential vitamins and minerals that help support your physical and mental health. It’s okay to enjoy a treat occasionally. Indulge with dark chocolate. The Cleveland Clinic notes that this treat is high in antioxidants and can improve your mood.

    3. Use Time-Saving Cleaning Hacks

    You may have heard that clutter can contribute to poor mental health, but sometimes it is hard to motivate yourself to stay up on things like the dishes, dusting, and laundry. Fortunately, there are some great time-saving tips online that can help you to keep your home tidy without spending all of your free time cleaning; find out more here.

    4. Talk to Mental Health Professionals

    If you’re struggling to cope with anxiety or depression, professional help may be necessary. However, if you’re not yet comfortable visiting a doctor’s office unless you absolutely need to, there are online solutions available. Online telehealth services, for instance, can help you overcome mental health challenges.

    Most insurances cover telehealth mental health services. If yours doesn’t, you may want to investigate other insurance options, such as switching to your spouse’s insurance or vice versa. You can also explore your options on the ACA healthcare website.

    5. Care for Your Oral Hygiene

    It is important to care for your teeth and gums. Not only will a beautiful smile help you feel more confident, caring for your teeth can also improve your health! It’s important to keep regular dental appointments to ensure that your teeth are in good conditions and that your gums are healthy. Research is revealing that gum disease can lead to stroke, diabetes, cancer, and dementia later in life. 

    6. Stay Social

    Maintaining social connections is a vital part of preserving good mental health. Spending time with friends and family can help boost your mood, improve your sense of community, and provide a valuable support system. To make sure you’re staying as social as possible, it may be worth building regular invitations into your schedule. From throwing a dinner party to inviting a friend for coffee, design your invitation in minutes and start prioritizing a social life that benefits your overall wellbeing.

    7. Reduce Financial Stress

    Speaking of anxiety, money troubles can take a toll on your wellness. If you’re struggling to pay bills, consider refinancing your home. This financial move will help you free up money or lower your monthly mortgage payments. Use the extra money to invest in your future, such as saving for retirement or taking classes to improve your career prospects.

    Another option is to sell your home and start renting again. Renting typically is less costly than paying a mortgage and maintaining a home, so this may be a good idea to save even more. Use a helpful online search tool to begin searching for apartments that meet your needs. You can filter by size, location, amenities, and more to find an ideal place for you.

    8. Make a Career Change or Start a Business

    If you’re unhappy with your current career, it may be time for a change. Pursuing your dream job can help you feel more fulfilled and confident. Also, if your present employment is stressful, it may impact your health. Consider making a switch to a lower-stress career that will improve your quality of life. Don’t be afraid to change. The market is ripe for career shifts. A new job can increase your income, provide better benefits, and improve your work-life balance. 

    If you’d like to try your hand at being your own boss, consider opening a business. To get the process underway, write a business plan that details how you’ll market your products or services, get funding, structure your business, and manage your company. Many businesspeople choose to form an LLC due to benefits like having limited liability and certain tax advantages. LLC requirements vary by state, so check into how to start an LLC before moving forward.

    Once your business is established with your state, work on marketing it! You can take advantage of free social media accounts and posting templates, but don’t neglect good old fashioned networking. It’s important to have a high quality business card to hand people. There are great business card templates online that allow you to customize them for free before sending them to print. These tools can make it fun and easy to get great looking cards you’ll be excited to distribute. 

    9. Practice Self-Care

    Make time for activities that make you happy. Self-care can include reading, spending time in nature, listening to music, or practicing meditation. You can also take up gardening at home, which has health benefits of its own. When you take care of yourself, you’re better able to handle life’s challenges. Also, don’t work too much. Taking breaks will help you re

    lax and recharge.

    Rebuild and Revitalize Your Life

    The past few years, from the pandemic to lean financial times, have been tough on everyone. However, by exercising, reducing financial stress, starting a new business or career, prioritizing self-care, and talking to a medical professional, you can get back on track with a few steps. 
    Join the life-saving mission of Project 24 Seven, your beacon of hope in times of darkness. Explore our resources, educate yourself, and become part of a community dedicated to preventing suicide and providing support 24/7.